Aqua @Aqua
Nearly 3 weeks of adventure lie behind us. Temperaturas were around 35 to 38 degrees celcius each day. Clearly we got wet several times fully clothed in rivers, hotel pools or our hotel room 😬.
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Aqua @Aqua
The only way not to melt down with this heat is to get a fresh shower. It does not matter what you wear. 😬
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Aqua @Aqua
At her last cocktail party there was only one free seat for Alejandra. Unfortunately, it was in the pool and she had no other way to enjoy her wine....
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Aqua @Aqua
There is nothing better than some nice days in a really pretty colonial style villa with a big pool, if you have lots of clothes to soak with you. We had some very wet days and a lot of fun together with Maxi and Aristos. Thank’s for the nice time together. We hope you will have the same fun with future updates from our stay 😇.
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Aqua @Aqua
Ups, we forgot to publish preview for our last set🫣. Well here it is now. Have fun watching Alejandra taking a shower in her vintage dress in a nice hotel shower. Have fun…
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Aqua @Aqua
Alejandra is back from a vintage party. She chose a soft, light and extremely feminine dress to attend the event. The black heels are perfect for this outfit and the soft fabric is playful when it moves lightly in the wind.
Back at the hotel Alejandra wants to take a shower. But when she wants to take off her dress, she realises that it smells of cigarettes and sweat from a night of partying, full of fun, laughter and sensual dancing...
Without thinking about it, she decides to take a shower, but this time with her clothes on. Alejandra starts wetting her shoes. The warm water is a delight for someone who is tired but really happy. The water slowly slides down her legs. It falls like musical notes out of the shower head towards her torso. The playful water runs down her shoulders, her chest, her abdomen, her hips and down to her feet. What a pleasant sensation, that soft, delicate fabric embracing her body and clinging tightly to her skin. Alejandra starts putting soap on her shoes, it's slippery and smells so nice. She has so much fun, she uses so much slippery soap on her body and starts to make a lot of foam that stays on her long and soft hair, then she rubs that soap on her dress and the feeling is so nice....
After this adventure Alejandra has to go to rest, the next morning it's time to go back home.
See you soon

Aqua @Aqua
A new upload is coming soon. Nothing is better than playing with shaving foam on a business outfit and taking a shower afterwards. See messed up satin blouse, a nice business skirt and hold-ups with heels full of foam and totally soaked.
Have fun.

Aqua @Aqua
It's weekend and Alejandra plans to go out for dinner with her friends. While looking for the clothes that she wants to put on this afternoon, she finds her checkered skirt that she has not worn for a long time. She combines it with a grey silk blouse and black stockings, the delicate combination of fabrics and sexy shoes gives her the idea to use them to play for a while, have fun and relax. She finds shaving foam from her lover and decides to use it. It's so funny and has a soft the feeling. She begins slowly playing with the foam on her feet. The shoes get covered with foam very quickly and she delicately spreads the shaving cream on her legs, it is delicious, fresh but soft on contact with the skin and also smells deliciously like a man.
Then she starts to let the foam fall on her head, her hair sticks and stays fixed, it's a funny feeling. She plays with her messy hair full of foam for a bit, then she starts to work the foam all over her body. it surrounds her breasts playfully and Alejandra is fascinated by that feeling, it is like having two extremely soft skins that touch her.
Alejandra realizes that she doesn't have much time to get ready. So she begins slowly to wet her body to remove the foam, first wetting her feet, then her hips and finally her hair. It has been a funny and relaxing experience. She already looks forward to the next wetlook adventure.
see you soon

Aqua @Aqua
Alejandra in Malta
Alejandra had to go on a business trip to Malta. After several hours of work she went out for lunch. She was dressed casually, in blue jeans and a white blouse that brings out her golden skin colour.
After lunch she decides to explore the hotel, it has very nice facilities, an hour of SPA would be good for her after that day.
But when she gets to the top floor she discovers the pool overlooking the sea. Wow, what a beautiful place and what a hot day it has been... She thought to herself, there are no guests in the pool, it's still very cold, it's the opportunity for a little refreshing swim. But going to the room and changing would take too much time...
Alejandra decides to swim in her clothes, she has been wanting to try this wet outfit for a long time and today was the day.
Slowly she starts to play with her feet in the water, it's freezing cold but that place is magnificent. She continues to get wet, her feet, her thighs, her crotch, her waist and slowly her chest. The water covers her completely, it is a very intense sensation of pleasure and cold. Alejandra gets out and takes a breath, catches her breath and gets in again, she can't help but enjoy the sensation of the wet fabric sticking to her body, the weight of the jeans sinks her into the pool and it feels as if her lover is holding her tightly. Her tight blouse reminds her of nights of body-to-body passion with her boy.
After a short while she decides to get out, her body starts to shiver with cold and it's time to take a hot shower.
In the shower Alejandra can enjoy herself nicely, she feels how she slowly warms up, her jeans stick to her body but this time it's a warm and sensual feeling, her blouse provides her with warmth and she feels very sexy... Alejandra has to finish, her colleagues are waiting for her for the next work meeting.
See you soon

Aqua @Aqua
What we could never imagine… but it happened.
Alejandra took a fully clothed swim in a rooftop hotel pool in Jeans and white blouse. The water was chilly cold, but it was exciting doing a short shooting in a hotel pool, where guests of this private owned luxury boutique hotel could show up every second.

Aqua @Aqua
Alejandra comes back from a day in the city and tries the new outfit, she likes it so much, that she decides to wear it immediately to play for a while in the gunge.
See you soon

Aqua @Aqua
It is time for Alejandras newest adventure. She is getting messy in a tube of green slime in a sexy spandex cat-suit. Have fun and see this video and some fotos. See you soon.
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Aqua @Aqua
It is time for Alejandras newest adventure. She is getting messy in a tube of green slime in a sexy spandex cat-suit. Have fun and see this video and some fotos very soon.
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Aqua @Aqua
Fully gunged in bathtube in different colours. It was a slimy fun tonight. With Nylons😋, but sport shoes😜.
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Aqua @Aqua
Designer Business Shower
Taking a warm shower and a nice bath after a long working day in a fine very classic business designer costume with a shiny lace blouse and a long shiny skirt from Hallhuber and pink heels is simply great. The fine wet fabric clinging to the body and shining brightly in the light, nothing is better.

Aqua @Aqua
Coming soon…
Designer Business Shower
Taking a warm shower and a nice bath after a long working day in a fine very classic business designer costume with a shiny lace blouse and a long shiny skirt from Hallhuber and pink heels is simply great. The fine wet fabric clinging to the body and shining brightly in the light, nothing is better.

Aqua @Aqua
Today you can get it our first messy couple shooting in a bathtube of slime. We had a lot of fun getting glibbery in nice outfits and trying to make nice photos.
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Aqua @Aqua
Coming soon ?.
Alejandra already completely messed up in her sexy golden skirt with satin blouse and heels is getting me gunged in a tube full of slime …