aussiegirlsslimed @aussiegirlsslimed
Trailer for the next scene, available soon.
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aussiegirlsslimed @aussiegirlsslimed
Sorry about the dramas with the upload, having a bit of issues but this should have fixed it now.
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aussiegirlsslimed @aussiegirlsslimed
Here’s one from the archives, Mia’s sticky situation. This one includes some sexy nude scenes as well.
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aussiegirlsslimed @aussiegirlsslimed
Emily has come along to play the slimiest quiz around the pump for each incorrect answer she gets slimed if she fails the quiz she will get a mega sliming
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aussiegirlsslimed @aussiegirlsslimed
We have a change of scenery for this scene with the incredibly gorgeous Zahli sporting a bright orange bikini getting a massive green sliming in tank. This scene has lots of bikini top and bottom filling, lots of facials and total annihilation, even some sexy sensual stuff towards the end where Zahli let's out a little too much evidence that she enjoys the underwear filling a little more then she should be ;) Towards the end when Zahli stands up and turns around to cover her back, she gets a big load of slime down her bikini bottoms and almost loses them and let's out a sexy squeal and giggle in reply to the slime grabbing her bikini and taking it for a ride down gravity lane;)
Hope you enjoy one of first bikini shoots on the store and we hope to have plenty more on the way!!

aussiegirlsslimed @aussiegirlsslimed
We have another scene with the gorgeous Emily wearing a beautiful pink/purple mermaid style ballgown formal dress with a dark green slime in the gungetank. The scene starts with Emily giving the AGS intro before stepping into the the gungetank to await her fate! The very first drop is a direct over the head drop and gets Emily perfectly and gives her gorgeous long hair a nice coating of green slime on the very first drop, she takes turns of having her head in and out of the slime stream ad she gives her hair a good deluge of slime over it while doing a couple of hair squeegees as well! After this Emily starts to do some partial facial shots while allowing the slime to land in her lap of her dress moving side to side to give the camera full view of all the slime covering the dress completely right down to the bottom for total coverage! She rubs slime all over and through the front of her dress making sure she gets complete and total coverage of the beautiful dress! At this point Emily looks up and puts her face under the slime stream to get her first good facial sliming and what a facial sliming it was as well! Multiple times she puts her head under looking up for 3 to 4 seconds at a time before squeegeeing her face somewhat clean! At this point due to the nature of the materials the dress is made out of and the style it is, the volume and pressure of the slime landing in Emily's lap is causing a large amount of dress filling to happen as the slime forces it's way through the material of the dress and fills her dress, this is quite noticeable later on as Emily runs her hands down her dress and over her lap to knees to give a full body squeegeeing the slime can be seen being pushed out through the patterns of the dress! Half way through the scene Emily stands up and turns around to give her back and the dress a good covering to make sure everything has total coverage! After covering the back and the dress she sits back down and continues playing with the slime in her lap. The scene closes out with the outro and then a 360 view of the end result of Emily's total coverage sliming!
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aussiegirlsslimed @aussiegirlsslimed
In this scene we have new model Zahli getting a massive sliming for school detention. The scene starts out with Zahli giving the AGS usual intro and then gets straight into the action ans within the first few seconds of the initial slime drop, it’s already finding it’s way into her skirt which makes her gasp as it makes its way down her skirt and in between her legs. She puts her legs together to stop it from going between her legs while still filling her skirt which then causes a massive bulge in the front of her skirt before overflowing over the side of Zahli’s legs. Zahli continues to enjoy her sliming ans gets full head and facials on the regular while also doing a copious amount of hot top filling while making playful remarks and expressions to the camera! After a good long sliming, Zahli stands up to turn around and cover her back with slime under the stream, Zahli leans forward and puts her back and skirt under the slime to get totally covered. After covering her back she sits back down to resume her facial slimings and bulk top filling as this shoot contains very very large amount of top filling! Something tells me Zahli definitely enjoys top filling? I’m not sure, you watch the scene and tell me? The scene ends with Zahli doing the outro and then doing a 360 spin for the camera to show off her total full coverage!
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aussiegirlsslimed @aussiegirlsslimed
starts off with the girls doing the intro, and introducing themselves before a little bit of a build up chit chat and then the winner which is Emily gets announced and Zahli is so happy she didn't get voted into the tank and starts laughing and gloating a little bit while Emily takes her seat in the Gungetank--let the super mega sliming and pieing commence! The pump starts up and the slime starts dropping at a very high volume causing a large amount of shock from Emily which is both visibly and verbally obvious! She does several full facials and a lot of dress filling and her dress fills up quite a bit and she can't work out how to get it out of her dress at first and she is having all sorts of trouble with her dress filling up as she laughs and squeals as her dress fills up even more.The first 5 minutes of the sliming is just straight Gungetanking. Around 5 minutes in, the producer gets up to deliver the pies and has a pretty serious but movie like mishap and going belly up on the slippery slimy tarp and the girls crack up laughing at me for it. The pies start getting delivered, red and blue pies that are coming in from all directions to destroy Emily from basic pies in the face to full face pie sandwiches and then a slight body pieing as well, Emily then stands up and turns around to get pied in the back, the slime doesn't stop and continues to flow over Emily as she's copping pie after pie, the last 2 pies I ask where she wants them ans she says in the face, so I decided to try out what throwing a pie would do and it worked a treat as it splattered all over her face and just stuck to her face, once the pies were finished Emily continues to receive a mega sliming with plenty of good facial coverage and and total coverage. The scene closes out with Emily doing the outro. Hope you guys like the video and get involved in our next vote.
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aussiegirlsslimed @aussiegirlsslimed
In this scene we have the beautiful Sharni dressed in a gorgeous blue and cream coloured formal dress with hair and makeup done in a formal type style receiving a mega sliming with 150L of thick Nickelodeon coloured slime. She starts off with the intro before quickly barrelling into the slime taking jug after jug after jug over the head and all over her totally covering her completely, the slime just doesn't stop and seems to last forever and very quickly starts having the problem of dress filling and that keeps her busy with trying to keep her dress up to stop a wardrobe malfunction which nearly happens several times. As the slime continues she lets it cover all of her body and looks up into the slime as it's poured over her getting some great facial sliming action in as well! She looks up into the pours multiple times and let's the slime totally and completely cover her face and she just lets it ooze down over her face and doesn't wipe it off as she seems to be rather enjoying the experience of her first proper sliming. Sharni continually fights with her dress throughout most of the shoot to keep it up and has to hold the dress up because of how heavy it gets from the dress filling. she gets totally covered including sticking her feet out to get slimed poured over her bare feet to make sure she is 100% totally covered. Towards the end of the first bin or partially into the second, Sharni stands up and turns around to get all of her back covered as well, she takes several jugs of slime over the back of her dress for total coverage and then sits back down. Both bins end up getting emptied over her head towards the end of each one. The scene ends with Sharni doing the outro but not quite getting it right this time haha! Hope you guys enjoy the scene!
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aussiegirlsslimed @aussiegirlsslimed
Here's a BTS look of a failed shoot with Sharni from out latest shoot run, this one had a piping malfunction but was later on fixed. Such a shame It had to happen because this was a gorgeous dress and would have looked the goods by the end of the scene
#aussiegirlsslimed #girlsslimed #girlsgunged #formaldress #ballgown #slimed #gunged #slimedgirls #gungedgirls #clubbingdress #partydress #wam #greenslime #wetandmessy #longhair #curlyhair #beautiful #gorgeous #slime #gunge #model #modellife #makeup #messy #straighthair #beautiful #gorgeous #slime #gunge #model #modellife #makeup #messy #straighthair #feet #feetmodels #foot #gungetank

aussiegirlsslimed @aussiegirlsslimed
In this latest scene with schoolgirl Sharni getting slimed with the powered gungetank pump setup, we had some technical issues with the pump on this run hence the reason it’s flowing so slowly and why I had to keep restarting to it get it to surge pump. Sharni is dressed in a pretty school uniform consisting of a blouse ans pleated skirt, the scene starts with Sharni getting into the pool and the pump starts, the slime lands in her lap on her skirt for the first couple of goes, then she does a nice head shot putting her head under the stream of slime, she moves forward so the slime is going over her head each time the pump starts. She does a bit more interacting with this scene and she is asked about the what she thinks of the colour of the slime and how it feels as it’s covering her. She ends the scene with reasonable coverage. This scene was a little rushed so that’s why it isn’t as good as what I would have liked and a lower price but use this opportunity to see this as what’s to come in the future with this setup once it’s working correctly!
#aussiegirlsslimed #girlsslimed #girlsgunged #schooluniform #schoolgirl #schoolgirlskirt, #blouse #slimed #gunged #slimedgirls #gungedgirls #wam #greenslime #wetandmessy #ponytail #longhair #curlyhair #beautiful #gorgeous #slime #gunge #model #modellife #makeup #messy #straighthair #feet #feetmodels #foot #gungetank

aussiegirlsslimed @aussiegirlsslimed
New models @sharni08 and Emily feature in this custom scene where Emily gets revenge on Sharni!
#aussiegirlsslimed #girlsslimed #girlsgunged #uniform #uniformslimed #schoolgirlsslimed #schooluniformslimed #slimed #gunged #slimedgirls #gungedgirls #wam #wetandmessy #honey #sticky #longhair #curlyhair #beautiful #gorgeous #slime #gunge #model #modellife #makeup #messy #piedgirls #pied #piemodel