How it works
You can register for free and become a content creator.
You can publish your content for free or get payed. Its up to you and your fans.
How can i post content?
You need to become a Creator. You have to verify your profile and we activate your Creator Functions.
All creators can Post Images (up to 20 per Post), Videos and Sets with more than 20 Files as ZIP Package

You can control who can view your content by easily lock or unlock the posts. A locked Post can only be viewed by your Subscribers.
You can also set a post as public and give it a price so everyone can buy this post. Free/Public posts are shown at the Explore Page.
After beeing a OnlyWAM Creator you should setup your subscription prices. You can switch between a free subscription plan or setup a price for a Monthly Plan. We added also the posiblity to setup a Weekly, 3 Months, 6 Months or 1 Year Price to give long term Fans a discount.

As a creator you also get a Dashboard

Here you can see your balance and statistics of your account.
Whats the payout method?
We use Bank Transfer and Western Union for the Payout.

Is there a minimum payout?
Yes, the minimum payout is at € 50,-
Whats the payout processing time?
Normally we have 3-5 business days processing for the payout. But often we are faster ;-)
Are there any fees?
Fee commission (Earnings OnlyWAM) is 15%. You get 85%.
We have a Referral Program!
You can easily share your posts or profile on social media platforms with our share function. For every new member who is registering through your link you will get 5% for the first 20 transaction of your referral.
You can publish your content for free or get payed. Its up to you and your fans.
How can i post content?
You need to become a Creator. You have to verify your profile and we activate your Creator Functions.
All creators can Post Images (up to 20 per Post), Videos and Sets with more than 20 Files as ZIP Package

You can control who can view your content by easily lock or unlock the posts. A locked Post can only be viewed by your Subscribers.
You can also set a post as public and give it a price so everyone can buy this post. Free/Public posts are shown at the Explore Page.
After beeing a OnlyWAM Creator you should setup your subscription prices. You can switch between a free subscription plan or setup a price for a Monthly Plan. We added also the posiblity to setup a Weekly, 3 Months, 6 Months or 1 Year Price to give long term Fans a discount.

As a creator you also get a Dashboard

Here you can see your balance and statistics of your account.
Whats the payout method?
We use Bank Transfer and Western Union for the Payout.

Is there a minimum payout?
Yes, the minimum payout is at € 50,-
Whats the payout processing time?
Normally we have 3-5 business days processing for the payout. But often we are faster ;-)
Are there any fees?
Fee commission (Earnings OnlyWAM) is 15%. You get 85%.
We have a Referral Program!
You can easily share your posts or profile on social media platforms with our share function. For every new member who is registering through your link you will get 5% for the first 20 transaction of your referral.